Painting tips and rules I always follow

In this blog post I'll tell you some of the tips I use when it comes to painting and the tips I would recommend to any other artist.

I studied art for more than a decade and I've been painting my entire life so there are few rules that's crucial to me, when it comes to painting.

Painting is a very intuitive process but with some basic rules your practice will benefit and become more productive and joyful.


Paint what you love

If you're not passionate about the subject, why are you painting it? You have to love what you do, don't listen to anyone, just paint what you love, what you're inspired to create, what brings you joy.

( P.S. A few years ago I' did a commission for my friend and he wanted me to paint from comics, just a clear copy done by me. I absolutely hated every moment of the process, it was like a torture for me and I would never ever take a commission that I don't like again. )

Work your way up

Start with bold brush strokes and thin layers of paint and work your way up to thick brush strokes, texture and details.

If you want to learn more about painting I offer 1:1 coaching for artists HERE

Choose process, not destination

It took me more than a decade to produce art I'm happy with. It might take you many months/years to start creating good art, if you're just starting out with painting. You have to do it for the creative process, not for the end result, otherwise you won't succeed.


Mix colors

Always mix your own colors, especially if you're just starting out with painting, don't use colors straight from the tube. You absolutely have to be able to mix all the colors yourself, that's a crucial skill for any painter.

Take breaks

Take breaks between painting sessions, take a look at the piece a few hours later, maybe days. Step away from the painting and look at it from the distance, in a mirror, take a photo of it. This allows you to see the piece of art more clearly.


Use different brushes

I don't have expensive brushes and you don't need these too, just buy different types of brushes: flat, rounded, stiff bristles, soft. Experiment with them on different stages of paintings. For me the brush I'm using drastically affects the style of painting. Also the first base layers of a piece I usually paint with the most cheap brushes I have, the main requirement for the brush is not to hold too much water, that's all.

With some time and practice you'll have some favorite brushes and a few unique ways to use them.



Always use a reference, if you can't paint plein air (the best option), use reference photos. You need to paint from the real subject, learn from it, see all reflections and shadows.


Change the medium you're using, size of canvas/paper and subject. This really helps to not get bored in your creative process. Just change things up on a regular basis. Also try new styles, compositions and get out of your comfort zone as much as possible.

I hope you’ve found these tips helpful

I would love to hear about your painting tips/rules too, lets share!

Read more about 1:1 painting and content creation coaching HERE