“Before the storm“ 11x14" acrylic on paper

“Before the storm“ 11x14" acrylic on paper
I enjoyed creating this painting so much! The piece has a thick palette knife texture.
I love the contrast of the light sand and dark clouds, this collection was so fun to make, I find sea the most beautiful subject to paint and it's always so different and unique.
The Golden Seascape collection
Salty, fresh and calm
Lots of blue and yellow tones
& palette knife texture
Salty, fresh and calm - that's what I think of when I look at the sea. I used to spend every summer by the beach as a child, sea has a very special place in my heart and I think that many people can resonate with this.
When I look at the sea I feel happy, calm and relaxed. When I dive in, all my worries go away and the feeling of pure happiness and joy falls over my soul.
I want you to feel the same way when you look at my seascape painting on your wall. I want you to feel happy, calm and relaxed, no matter what’s going on in your life, I want this for you.
I planned for my collection to be about something special and this is special, sea is special.